Press Release, Christian Author Val Newton-Knowles releases No Shame! Only Power


A CBM Christian Book Marketing Author Press Release

No Shame! Only Power- by Val Newton-Knowles

April 9, 2013-No Shame! Only Power - Tired of feeling defeated in your Christian walk?  Christian author Val Newton-Knowles writes to defeated Christians in her new book release, No Shame! Only Power. 

Written to encourage and instruct the Body of Christ to overcome any obstacle of life through the power of Jesus Christ and His Word, this book gives keen insight into the power that is available to us as Christians.  We were not meant to travel this path of life on Earth alone.  God gave us the Holy Spirit, "The Comforter" and "The Helper" to guide us through to eternal life.  If we understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and learn to live guided by the Holy Spirit and the Word, there is no shame, only power!  Come and learn how to defeat every negative thought you have about yourself and your life while learning to overcome through the blood of Jesus Christ.  He has paid it all - all you have to do is accept your part as an active believer.

Val Newton-Knowles knows that life can be more than difficult at times.  But as a believer in Jesus Christ, we have an indescribable and awesome power that we can tap into.  She writes to help others understand their identity in Christ, giving those who have low-self esteem a huge boost by giving practical steps to understanding who they are in Christ.  Her instruction enables a powerful inner transformation through the Word of God and encourages daily communication with God and the Holy Spirit that will lead to nothing less than a victorious walk with Christ. 

This is a highly recommended read for those that are feeling defeated and overwhelmed by life's circumstances.  Come be refreshed and renewed to fight the good fight of faith again.  There is no shame, only power!   

For further information contact Val Newton-Knowles.  And you may also get your copy of No Shame, Only Power! on Amazon, in Kindle Edition and Barnes and Noble.

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