From Hell’s Flames To His Loving Arms

One night after an accident Kae had found herself standing on the brink of hell, terrified, and fearing the next step was to go in and never return, life would now be completely over, as well as any chance to really experience life of how it was meant to be, was now also over.

In this book Kae talks about how she survived the years of abuse and neglect, and how God came to her rescue, how He revealed His heart and His love for her, she talks about the journey, the fears, the trauma, the doubts, and the struggles.

This book raises levels of hope to others trapped in hopelessness and darkness as it talks about the healing journey and the processes God took Kae on as He set her free from the fear, and the pain that she had so deeply encountered in her life. This book also reveals the true heart of our Father and the love He has for each one of us, and that He wants all His children set free to experience the life that He wants to give them.

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