Walk In The Spirit

Galatians 5:16 I say then: “Walk in the Spirit, (keep in step with the Spirit), and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”   Two Greek words for “walk” are used in the New Testament. 

The first one has the same meaning as is used in English. The second is a military word, and is used in the above verse. It means to keep in step, and was usually done with a drum beat. God wants every believer to keep in step with the Holy Spirit, instead of depending on their own skills, or natural abilities.  

God has given you the authority to use the name of Jesus against problems you can’t control, but you are not given this authority to use it like a magic wand. God is expecting you to do what you can. When you reach your limit, you can expect God to supply the additional strength or power that is needed. This will be possible, provided you have been obeying the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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