James Nelson works for a Fortune 500 company that requires extensive international travel. He researches and writes from the central East Coast of Florida and various cities around the world. James enjoys his family, cycling, paddle boarding, backpacking, and almost everything outdoors. He graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy, where he discovered the hard way that the innocent-sounding term “well-rounded education” did not include the concept of fun. After spending what seemed like endless time in math, physics, computer science, other sciences, assorted engineering, thermodynamics, law, history, English, various other humanities, social sciences, continuous military training, and athletic requirements, he was finally able to complete a double major in economics and management. Rugby helped to restore some sanity. The heavy course load did prove valuable in the active-duty Air Force as well as the private sector. A broad educational background was also beneficial in researching and writing a book like Magnificent Generation due to the numerous topics discussed.
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